How a Lamp at the Emirates Lounge Changed My Life

How a Lamp at the Emirates Lounge Changed My Life

How a Lamp at the Emirates Lounge Changed My Life

Five years ago, I found myself at the Emirates Lounge in Dubai, waiting for my flight. As a frequent traveler, I was used to the quiet elegance of the lounge, but on that particular day, something caught my eye—a lamp. Not just any lamp, but a beautifully crafted piece that seemed to emanate warmth and sophistication. It was a Fjordlum Lamp, its soft glow reflecting off the polished surfaces around it, creating an ambiance of calm and luxury. I was captivated. 

As I admired the lamp, lost in its beauty, a voice interrupted my thoughts. “I’ve never seen someone so intrigued by a lamp,” she said, with a hint of amusement in her tone. I looked over to see a stunning woman seated next to me, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Without missing a beat, I replied with a cheesy grin, “There are only two beautiful things in this lounge—one I’m admiring, and the other one is talking to me.” She smiled, and that smile was the beginning of something I could never have imagined.

Her name was Emily, and as we sat there in the cozy glow of the Fjordlum Lamp, we began to talk. What started as a conversation about a lamp quickly turned into something much deeper. We spoke of our travels, the cities we’d fallen in love with, our passions, and our life stories. Hours seemed to pass in mere moments as we discovered how much we had in common.

In the midst of our conversation, a playful challenge emerged. We decided that if we both had visited the same ten cities, we would take our next trip together and, of course, bring the Fjordlum Lamp along as a symbol of our connection. Later I realised it was the Majestic Lady Lamp. How ironic :-)

As fate would have it, we had indeed visited the same ten cities. And so, true to our word, we planned a trip together. That first adventure was the start of many, each one illuminated by the same Fjordlum Lamp that had brought us together.

Today, I’m writing this story from the very same Emirates Lounge in Dubai, five years later. Emily—now my wife—and I are about to embark on another journey, with the Fjordlum Lamp that started it all packed safely in our luggage.

That lamp, with its understated elegance and warm glow, wasn’t just a piece of decor; it was the spark that ignited our love story. Every time we look at it, we’re reminded of that serendipitous meeting, the connection we made, and the life we’ve built together.

So, thank you, Fjordlum, for not only creating beautiful lamps but for being the light that brought us together.

With love, Mr. and Mrs. Jones

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